The Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland includes 80 local respiratory health associations and two national associations: Sisäilmasta sairastuneet (Organisation for Persons with Indoor-Air-Induced Conditions) and Suomen CF-yhdistys (the Finnish CF Association). The total membership of the Organisation numbers nearly 23,000.
Individual members always join a local respiratory health association, which offer diverse activities and services at the local level, such as:
- Peer support: various peer support groups and meetings
- Members’ nights, clubs and trips
- Exercise groups for children and adults
- Information: public lectures and events, guides, advice and guidance
- Support for a non-smoking lifestyle: help with withdrawal symptoms and visits to educational institutes
- Cooperation with health care and other organisations
- Local advocacy and supervision of interests
- The Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland supports the activities of the respiratory health associations by producing information and various support services.