Holiday programme organisations organise social holiday programmes, which are also suitable for people with respiratory diseases.
People with respiratory diseases can access social holiday programmes through the following organisations: Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto MLTH, Solaris-lomat, and Hyvinvointilomat. Social holiday programme activities are organised with targeted funding from STEA.
Applicants can be granted access to social holiday programmes for financial, health, and social reasons. Applicants cannot access holiday programmes more often than every two years. The holiday programmes usually last five days.
The amount payable by each participant is usually 20–28 euros per day. Participants pay for their own travel expenses.
Contact the holiday programme organisations to get more information and submit an application. All decisions are made by the holiday programme organisers.
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Please note:
- Priority will be given to first-time applicants.
- Holiday support cannot be granted more often than every two years.
- Fill in the application form carefully, and give good reasons for why you need the holiday. The number of applicants is high. Make sure that you explain your financial, social, and health reasons in detail.
- Holiday organisers prefer online applications. The link to the online application for MTLH holidays can be found on this page.
Enquiries and applications
Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto ry (MTLH)
Tel. 050 406 4616, on weekdays 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Fill in the holiday support application as an electronic or printed form.
The website of MTLH lists holiday programmes organised by different organisations.
Coronavirus guidelines
- Holiday resorts follow official guidelines and make special arrangements to ensure the safety of their customers. Special attention has been paid to hygiene, social distancing, and other arrangements. You should, however, decide for yourself whether you can participate in the holiday programme.
- If you are at high risk of severe coronavirus infection, you should consult your treating physician to determine whether you can participate.
- MTLH offers face masks to all participants.
See the frequently asked questions and answers about COVID-19 on the website of MTLH (in Finnish)
Holidays with Hyvinvointilomat
For information about this service provider’s holiday programmes, visit (in Finnish).
Tel. 010 830 3400, on weekdays 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Holidays with Solaris-lomat
For information about this service provider’s holiday programmes, visit (in Finnish).
Tel. 0600 418 200, on weekdays 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Calls to this number cost €0.07/minute + local call charge.